Category Archives: 最新動態



Hi SME bosses,

Good news !  The 2022 ESS (保就業) can be applied from 29 April 2022.

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has launched the 2022 Employment Support Scheme (“the Scheme”) under the Anti-epidemic Fund to provide wage subsidies to employees for three months (i.e. May, June and July 2022) to retain their current employees or even employ more staff when the business revives as soon as the epidemic situation permits. Eligible self-employed persons can also apply for a one-off subsidy.

The application period of the Scheme is from 29 April 2022 at 8:00 am to 12 May 2022 at 11:59 pm.


An applicant should apply in the capacity of a company/ corporation/ organisation/ natural person and must fulfil all of the following criteria:


Is not an employer listed in Part I of the Exclusion List (see list);

Must have participated in MPF Schemes or set up ORSO Schemes on or before 31 December 2021;

Has not been involved in winding up, deregistration or striking off process or has not become dormant; and

Has fully settled all clawback/penalty of 2020 Employment Support Scheme (if any) on or before 10 May 2022.


Subsidised quota cap and maximum subsidy amount

The government-appointed agent will calculate applicants’ “subsidised quota cap” and “maximum subsidy amount” based on applicants’ records in the “reference month” as follows:

Monthly wage1 of “reference month” Respective subsidy quota according to the number of employees2 within the wage range Monthly maximum subsidy amount
$8,000 or more = “Full subsidy quota” $8,000 x “Full subsidy quota”
At least $3,000 but less than $8,000 = “Half subsidy quota” $4,000 x “Half subsidy quota”
Employees aged 65 or above with less than $3,000 = “Elderly subsidy quota” $4,000 x “Elderly subsidy quota”
Total “Subsidised quota cap” “Maximum subsidy amount”


Telephone hotline (including booking for Service Centres) : 1836-122



Take action at once to apply the subsidy at once.



热门的税务问题 – 关于香港人在大湾区工作所需要缴交的个人所得税

大家好我是Alex。 这次将接着上一次贴文, 解说热门的税务问题关于香港人在大湾区工作所需要缴交的个人所得税疑问。




问题一: 香港注册公司工作的香港人在大湾区工作时需要交双重税吗?

问题二: 非香港人在香港注册公司在大湾区出差时需要交双重(香港及中国境内及境外) 税嗎?


解答问题前先給上一点最新的背景资料; 中国政府发表了关于在大湾区工作所需缴交的个人所得税修訂,主要修訂如下:


- 入境不足二十四时不计算为逗留一天

- 无住所居民个人的时间判定标准由1年调整为183天后。

- 无住所个人境内所得和境外所得的申报纳税的境内居住时间, 由”居住满五年”延长为”居住满六年”

- 新增单次离境30天规则。在计算上”居住满六年”时,对于中国境内居住累计满183天的任一年度中有一次离境超过30天的, 重新起算上述”居住满六年”的连续年限

- 简化享受优惠程序。将无住所个人境内”居住满六年”期间对境外支付的境外所得免税优惠, 由审批改为备案方式, 降低纳税人遵从成本。




问题一: 香港注册公司工作的港人在大湾区工作时需要交双重税吗?


答: 先以“有住所”/“无住所” 作筛选,再以中国境内累计居住是否足够183天为界限厘定。


如于中国境内工作少过183日。只需交中国境内个人所得税, 超过183日则境内境外收入都必须交税。


此情况下如于中国境内居住累计满183天的任一年度中有一次离境超过30天, 便可重新起算”居住满六年”的连续年限。于不超过” 居住满六年” 的条件下便可持续享有免于在中国支付来源于境外所得而要缴交的个人所得税。


问题二: 非港人为香港注册公司于大湾区出差时需要交双重(香港及中国境内及境外)税吗?


答:同样以有住所或无住所作筛选, 而户籍,家庭,经济利益关系是判定有住所的原因条件。所以户籍在为中国境内居民即分为“有住所”, 必需以Worldwide Tax 方式缴交个人所得税。另因学习,工作,探亲,旅游等原因于境内居住,但当这些原因消除后回境外居住即不属在境内“习惯性居住”不等于有房产。转而以停留时间标准计算个人所得税。



1: 于中国境内有住所的港人需缴交中国境内及境外税及香港本地个人利得税。无可豁免。

2: 于中国境内没有住所的港人因应停留国内时间标准时间计算是否满足条件豁免中国境外所得税。唯中国境内所得税及香港本地个人利得税依然得缴交。




大家好我是Alex 。今次將緊接上次帖文, 論熱門稅務問題關於港人於大灣區工作所需繳交的個人所得稅疑問。


問題一: 為香港註冊公司工作的港人於大灣區工作時需要交雙重稅嗎?

問題二: 非港人為香港註冊公司於大灣區出差時需要交雙重(香港及中國境內及境外)稅嗎?


解答前先備上一點最新背景資料; 中國政府發表了關於在大灣區工作所需繳交的個人所得稅修訂, 主要修訂如下:

-   入境不足二十四時不計算為逗留一天

-   無住所居民個人的時間判定標準由1年調整為183天後。

-   無住所個人境內所得和境外所得的申報納稅的境內居住時間, 由”居住滿五年”延長為”居住滿六年”

-   新增單次離境30天規則。在計算上”居住滿六年”時,對於中國境內居住累計滿183天的任一年度中有一次離境超過30天的, 重新起算上述”居住滿六年”的連續年限

-   簡化享受優惠程序。將無住所個人境內”居住滿六年”期間對境外支付的境外所得免稅優惠, 由審批改為備案方式, 降低納稅人遵從成本。


問題一: 為香港註冊公司工作的港人於大灣區工作時需要交雙重稅嗎?


答: 先以“有住所”/“無住所” 作篩選分野,再以中國境內累計居住是否足夠183天為界限釐定。 


如於中國境內工作少過183日。只需交中國境內個人所得稅, 超過183日則境內境外收入都必須交稅。


此情況下如於中國境內居住累計滿183天的任一年度中有一次離境超過30天, 便可重新起算”居住滿六年”的連續年限。於不超過” 居住滿六年” 的條件下便可持續享有免於在中國支付來源於境外所得而要繳交的個人所得稅。


問題二: 非港人為香港註冊公司於大灣區出差時需要交雙重(香港及中國境內及境外)稅嗎?

答:同樣以有住所或無住所作篩選分野, 而戶籍,家庭,經濟利益關係是判定有住所的原因條件。 所以戶籍在為中國境內居民即分為“有住所”, 需以Worldwide Tax 方式繳交個人所得稅。另因學習,工作,探親,旅遊等原因於境內居住,但當這些原因消除後回境外居住即不屬在境內“習慣性居住”不等於有房產。轉而以停留時間標準計算個人所得稅。



1: 於中國境內有住所的港人需繳交中國境內及境外稅及香港本地個人利得稅。無可豁免。

2: 於中國境內沒有住所的港人因應停留國內時間標準時間計算是否滿足條件豁免中國境外所得稅。唯中國境內所得稅及香港本地個人利得稅依然得繳交。



Common questions of tax to pay in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Hello, I am Alex. Followed by the last post, we are going to have a look with those questions about tax to pay when working in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.


Common questions were asked:

Question 1: If I am a Hong Kong resident who works for a Hong Kong company in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, do I have to pay a double tax to both Government of China and Government of Hong Kong?

Question 2: If I am a non-Hong Kong resident who works for a Hong Kong company in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, do I have to pay a double tax to both Government of China and Government of Hong Kong?


For being more further to answer the questions, information about the new policy of personal income tax for whom working in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area provides at below:

- Immigration less than 24 hours is not counted as a day of stay

- The time limit for individuals who do not have a residence is adjusted from one year to 183 days.

- The domestic residence time without taxation of the income of the individual’s domestic income and overseas income is extended from “full five years of residence” to “six years of residence”

- Single departure 30-day rule. In the calculation of “residence for six years”, if there is one departure more than 30 days within 183 days of residence in China, the above-mentioned “six years of residence” is recounted.

- Simplify the discount program. The tax exemption for overseas income paid during the period of “staying for six years” in the non-residential personal residence will be changed from approval to filing to reduce the taxpayer’s compliance costs.


Now we head on to answer the above two questions:


Q 1: If I am a Hong Kong resident who works for a Hong Kong company in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, do I have to pay a double tax to both Government of China and Government of Hong Kong?


A 1: Identified you with residence or without residence in Mainland China. If you were working less than 183 days in China, you should only pay personal income tax for wages and salaries within the territory of China, if it’s beyond 183 days than the personal tax for wages and salaries within or beyond the territory of China are all requested to pay.

Under this condition, in the calculation of “residence for six years”, if there is one departure more than 30 days within 183 days of residence in China, the above-mentioned “six years of residence” is recounted. If conditions are fulfilled than the exemption for personal income tax beyond the territory of China will be continued.


Q 2: If I am a non-Hong Kong resident who works for a Hong Kong company in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, do I have to pay a double tax to both Government of China and Government of Hong Kong?


A 2: Identified you with residence or without residence in Mainland China. Family register (Also called Hukou system in Mainland China), family household, and conflict of interests between relationship is also used to identified you’ve got residence or not in mainland China. For instance, if you’ve got registered as a resident in Guangdong in the Hukou system than you are identified as “with residence” in Mainland China and you are going to pay worldwide tax by following the rule of tax in Mainland China.


In conclusion, we can sum up in two conditions:

1: Hong Kong resident that with residence in Mainland China should pay both taxes in Hong Kong and Mainland China with no exemptions.

2: Hong Kong resident that without residence in Mainland China will have an exemption on personal income tax of wages and salaries that beyond the territory of China by counting the staying time in Mainland China are less than 183 days. In this condition, personal income tax for wages and salaries than within the territory of China and Hong Kong are still requested to pay.

2019-2020 Hong Kong Budget Highlights

Hello everyone, I am Alex. 2019-2020 Hong Kong Budget has been released since my last post. Here are those tax relevant spotlights that I’ve addressed for all of you.


  1. Reduce profits tax for Year of Assessment 2018-19 by 75% subject to a ceiling of $20,000 Hong Kong Dollars.
  2. Reduce salaries tax and tax under personal assessment for Year of Assessment 2018-19 by 75%, subject to a ceiling of $20,000 Hong Kong Dollars.
  3. Waive rates for 4 quarters of 2019-20, subject to a ceiling of $1,500 per quarter for each rateable property.
  4. Waive the business registration fees for 2019-20 in a total of $2,000 Hong Kong Dollars.

For other non-tax relevant spotlight include Technology Voucher Programme etc. Details can be found on the link at the bottom.

All listed policies at the above are expecting to be implemented starting from first of April. Benefit both company’s holder and employees. Low resistance from the legislative council is expected.

I am fairly satisfied with this budget. As the fiscal surplus has decreased this year, feasibility of money give out is not possible. Nevertheless, reduce of profits tax raised back subject to a ceiling of $30,000 Hong Kong Dollars will be better.


Furthermore, the two sessions of National People’s Congress (NPC) has started recently. In the spotlight of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area and increase of business activity, reliable legal protections are essential. Especially while facing a relatively high and complex Mainland China tax charging. I will try my best to update latest valuable information to all of you.

Have a good day!


2019/2020年度香港政府财政预算案概览 (简体中文)

大家好我是Alex 。自从上一次发文后,2019/2020年度香港政府财政预算案现已公布。现在告诉大家重点注意。


  1. 减免75%利得税, 上限为二万港元 。
  2. 减免75%薪俸税 及个人入息税 ,上限为二万港元。
  3. 寛免 2019-20年度四季差饷, 每户每季上限一千五百元, 年度总数为六千元。
  4. 寛免 2019-20年度商业登记费, 新成立公司可减免二千元。


而跟税务的其他相关有科技卷等, 详细可点阅下方连结。

以上的政策将会在4月1号开始。不管是公司还是员工也会受惠。虽然还是需要立法会通过但是应该没有很大的阻力。而上一篇贴文说顾员自己成立公司以顾问形式受顾的方式更是能最大化的受惠。详细可以看我上一篇的贴文: 2019 年香港财政预算预测 (简体中文)


除此之外,我更期待两会沟通的成果,除着香港人和中央政府对大湾区的关注。频繁的经济活动将需要稳健和透明的政策支持。对比起香港,中国大陆有更重的税项, 港人港税的呼声越来越高。我将紧贴未来,关注动向,为大家洞悉先机。




2019 – 2020 政府財政預算案概覽

大家好我是Alex 。自上一次發文後,2019-2020 香港政府財政預算案現已公告。 現告知大家重點相關。


  1. 減免75%利得稅, 上限為二萬港元 。
  2. 減免75%薪俸稅 及個人入息稅 ,上限為二萬港元。
  3. 寛免 2019-20年度四季差餉, 每戶每季上限一千五百元, 年度總數為六千元。
  4. 寛免 2019-20年度商業登記費, 新成立公司可減免二千元。



以上政策將於4月1號實施。不論是公司或員工均受惠。 雖尚待立法會通過但應無大阻力。

而上一次貼文所述顧員自己成立公司以顧問型式受顧的方式更是能最大化受惠。詳情可閱我上一篇貼文: 2019 年香港財政預算預測


本人對預算案尚算滿意。因政府盈餘下降,派錢的可行性減低, 如利得稅寛免上限能回升至上年度的三萬元將會更佳。


除此之外,我更期待近日兩會溝通的成果, 除著港人及中央政府對大灣區的關注。越趨頻繁的經濟活動將需要穩健及透明的政策支持,面對中國大陸較為荷重的稅項,港人港稅的呼聲越高。我將緊貼未來,密切關注其動向,為大家洞悉先機。



 2019 – 2020 政府財政預算案:

2019 年香港财政预算预测 (简体中文)

大家好!我是Alex。过完一个美好的新年后祝大家今年猪笼入水。而我对2019年香港财政预算已有此预测﹐希望能帮助大家 。 







成立公司方面和与雇主建构顾问合作形式的合约以达到双赢的局面需要向专业的会计师还有律师咨询。相关的细节如果有任何问题欢迎各位联系我们及其他有关专业人仕还有留言。  祝大家



2019 年香港財政預算預測

大家好!我是Alex。 過完一個美好的農曆新年後,祝大家今年豬籠入水。而本人對2019 年香港財政預算亦有此少量預測,希望能幫助大家計劃新的一年。









