Tax Concession under Salaries Tax and Personal Assessment

In the 2009-10 Budget delivered on 25 February 2009, the Financial Secretary proposed a one-off reduction of 50 % of the 2008-09 final tax in respect of salaries tax and tax under personal assessment, subject to a ceiling of $6,000. On 26 May 2009, the Financial Secretary proposed to increase the one-off reduction for the 2008-09 salaries tax and tax under personal assessment to 100%, subject to a revised ceiling of $8,000. See Implementation Details of the One-off reduction for details.

Individuals subject to Profits Tax or Property Tax

Individuals having business profits or rental income, if eligible, can enjoy the reduction by electing personal assessment. Under personal assessment, they will enjoy a reduction of 100% of the 2008-09 final tax, subject to a ceiling of $8,000 per case.

Implementation Details of the One-off reduction
Under salaries tax, the ceiling of $8,000 per case is applied on individual taxpayer basis. For couples electing to be jointly assessed, the ceiling is applied on each couple. Under personal assessment, single taxpayers will each be subject to the ceiling. Married couples must make their personal assessment election together and the ceiling will therefore apply to each couple.

Please refer to the example in Annex 1 for typical cases showing tax savings of taxpayers liable to salaries tax when the one-off reduction in 2008-09 final tax is implemented. You can also use our tax computation program to calculate your tax liability under salaries tax or personal assessment under the 2009-10 Budget proposal.

The tax reduction will be reflected in the tax bill in 2009-10. Taxpayers will, as usual, file their tax returns - individuals for 2008-09 which will be issued starting from May 2009. They need not make any application on the reduction.

Legislative amendment is required for implementing the relief measure proposed in the Budget. Upon enactment of the relevant legislation, the Inland Revenue Department will effect the reduction in the final assessment for 2008-09. Most taxpayers will receive their tax bills, with the reduction duly reflected, starting from the third quarter in 2009. As in previous years, salaries tax will generally fall due in January 2010. The proposed one-off reduction will only apply to the 2008-09 final tax, but not to the provisional tax of the same year. For most taxpayers, the second instalment of their 2008-09 provisional tax will fall due in April 2009, which should be paid on time despite the proposed reduction. The provisional tax paid will, in accordance with the Inland Revenue Ordinance, be applied in payment of the final tax for 2008-09 and provisional tax for 2009-10. Excess balance, if any, will be refunded. Individuals having business profits or rental income, if eligible, can enjoy the reduction by electing personal assessment. They can make the election when completing their 2008-09 tax returns. The Department will check in each case if the personal assessment election will reduce the amount of tax payable, and assess each taxpayer in the way most advantageous to him. Individuals having salaries income only, but no rental income or business profits, are not required to elect personal assessment. Tax bills issued before enactment of the relevant legislation will not reflect the tax reduction. The Inland Revenue Department will revise them after the enactment. Excess tax paid will be refunded from late July onwards. Taxpayers are not required to apply for such refund or make phone enquiry in this regard.

Waiver of Business Registration Fees for One Year
The Government proposed to waive the business registration fees for one year as part of the special relief measures. To effect the proposal, the Government will introduce the relevant legislation into the Legislative Council as soon as possible. The effective date of the waiver will be announced later. Before the passage of the relevant legislation, the Business Registration Office will continue to collect business registration fees and to issue business registration fees demand notes. Business operators have to settle the amounts demanded when due.
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